Wednesday, May 11, 2005

What's it about, Sonya Taaffe?

"White Shadows," Sonya Taaffe's tale of a mysterious girl named Fetch, begins on page 52 of Say...have you heard this one?

Sonya describes the story's central character:

"Her hair was white as flour, opaque as though powdered, and her skin had the solid pallor of chalk. Only her eyes had color; they consumed her face, vivid as a snowman's chunks of coal, and did not blink often. If she had been at all given to introspection, it might have made her smile: laquered ivory shadow, blanched past albino, and she never stood out in a crowd. She did not look inward..."

In her biographical notes, Sonya reminds us that she's been here before, as she's contributed to three earlier issues of Say... She's also seen work in Realms of Fantasy and Flytrap. She has two books forthcoming this year from Prime Books: Singing Innocence and Experience collects fiction, while Postcards from the Province of Hyphens offers many of the best poems of this Rhysling Award winning poet.

She keeps an online journal called Myth Happens, is a contributing editor to Not One of Us, and was recently interviewed by Geoffrey H. Goodwin at Bookslut.

I asked Sonya what her story was about, and she replied with this exchange from George Gershwin's Crazy for You.

"Look, I'm depressed."
"Oh, you're depressed? I'm just not myself today..."

Thanks, Sonya Taaffe!

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